Curriculum Vitae

A recent C.V. can be downloaded here:

Links to my publications can also be found on Google Scholar and ORCID

Direct links to my peer-reviewed scientific papers are below:

Boles, B., E. O'Donoghue, A.R. Manzi Muneza, G. Perkins, C. Izurieta, and A.M. Reinhold. ACCEPTED. Deciphering Discrepancies: A Comparative Analysis of Docker Image Security. 24th IEEE International Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM). URL forthcoming.

O'Donoghue, E., B. Boles, C. Izurieta, and A.M. Reinhold. ACCEPTED. Impacts of Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) Generation on Vulnerability Detection. 2024 ACM Workshop on Software Supply Chain Offensive Research and Ecosystem Defenses (SCORED). URL forthcoming.

Munro, M.H., R.J. Gore, C.J. Lynch, Y.D. Hastings, A.M. Reinhold. ACCEPTED. Enhancing Risk and Crisis Communication with Computational Methods: A Systematic Literature Review. Risk Analysis. URL forthcoming.

Lowman, H., J. Blaszczak, A. Cale, X. Dong, S. Earl, J. Grabow, N.B. Grimm, T.K. Harms, J. Melack, A.M. Reinhold, B. Summers, and A.J. Webster. 2024. Persistent and lagged effects of fire on stream solutes linked to intermittent precipitation in arid lands. Biogeochemistry 167: 777–791. 

Reinhold, A.M., B. Boles, A.R. Manzi Muneza, T. McElroy, and C. Izurieta. 2024. Characterizing and Surmounting Challenges in Aggregating Static-Analysis Tool Results. Journal of Military Cyber Affairs 7(1). Web:

Wadhams, Z., A.M. Reinhold, and C. Izurieta. Accepted January 2024. Automating Static Code Analysis Through CI/CD Pipeline Integration. 2024 International Workshop on Mining Software Repositories Applications for Privacy and Security. DOI:

O'Donoghue, E., A.M. Reinhold, and C. Izurieta. Accepted January 2024. Assessing Security Risks of Software Supply Chains Using Software Bill of Materials. 2024 International Workshop on Mining Software Repositories Applications for Privacy and Security. DOI:

Reinhold, A.M., M.H. Munro, E.A. Shanahan, R.J. Gore, B.C. Ezell, and C. Izurieta. 2023. Embedding Software Engineering in Mixed Methods Research: Computationally Enhanced Risk Communication. International Journal of Multiple Research Approaches 15(2): 67-72. DOI:

Izurieta, C., N. Woods, and A.M. Reinhold. 2023. A Brief of Distributed Data Processing. Works in Progress in Embedded Computing Journal 9(2). Web:

Hastings, Y., and A.M. Reinhold. 2023. Applying Software Quality in Use Standards to Improve Scientific Software Selection. Works in Progress in Embedded Computing Journal. Web:

Reinhold, A.M., T. Weber, C. Lemak, D. Reimanis, and C. Izurieta. 2023. New Version, New Answer: Investigating Cybersecurity Static-analysis Tool Outputs. 2023 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience. DOI:

Reinhold, A.M., E.D. Raile, C. Izurieta, J. McEvoy, H.W. King, G.C. Poole, R.C. Ready, N.T. Bergmann, and E.A. Shanahan. 2023. Persuasion with Precision: Using Natural Language Processing to Improve Instrument Fidelity for Risk Communication Experimental Treatments. Journal of Mixed Methods Research. DOI:

Fogg, S.K., G.C. Poole, A.M. Reinhold, and S.J. O'Daniel. 2023. Thermal insulation versus capacitance: A simulation experiment comparing effects of shade and hyporheic exchange on daily and seasonal stream temperature cycles. Hydrological Processes 37(9): e14973. DOI:

Valett, H.M., and A.M. Reinhold. 2022. Groundwater and Surface Water Interaction. Encyclopedia of Inland Waters (2nd Edition ed., vol. 3, pp. 348-362). Elsevier. DOI: 

Poole, G.C., S.K. Fogg, S.J. O'Daniel, B.E. Amerson, A.M. Reinhold, S.P. Carlson, E.J. Mohr, and H.C. Oakland. 2022. Hyporheic hydraulic geometry: Conceptualizing relationships among hyporheic exchange, storage, and water age. 2022. PLoS ONE. 17(1): e0262080 . DOI: 

Raile, E.D., E.A. Shanahan, J. McEvoy, C. Izurieta, N.T. Bergmann, R. Ready, A.M. Reinhold, and G.C. Poole. 2022. Narrative Risk Communication as a Lingua Franca for Natural Environmental Hazard Preparation. Environmental Communication. 16(1):108-124 DOI: plan ID# 20190729AA published at

West, N.M., and A.M. Reinhold (co-first authors), G.C. Poole, and E.K. Espeland. 2020.  Flood dynamics dictate distributions of Russian olive Elaeagnus angustifolia L. on riverine floodplains. Biological Invasions. 22:3493-3499. DOI:

Fogg, S.K., S.J. O'Daniel, G.C. Poole, A.M. Reinhold, and A. Hyman. 2020. A simple, reliable method for long‐term, in‐stream data logger installation using rock climbing hardware. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 11:684-689. DOI:

Bergmann, N., J. McEvoy, E.A. Shanahan, E. Raile, A.M. Reinhold, G.C. Poole, and C. Izurieta. 2020. Thinking through levees: how political agency extends beyond the human mind. Annals of the American Association of Geographers. 110(3):827-846. DOI:

Shanahan,E.A., A.M. Reinhold, E.D. Raile, G.C.Poole, R.Ready (co-first authors), J. McEvoy, N. Bergmann, C. Izurieta, and H. King. 2019. Characters matter: How narratives shape affective responses to risk communication. PLoS ONE. 14(12):e0225968. DOI:

Reinhold, A.M., G.C. Poole, C. Izurieta, A.M. Helton, and E.S. Bernhardt. 2019. Constraint-based simulation of multiple interactive elemental cycles in biogeochemical systems. Ecological Informatics. 50:102-121. DOI:

Tornabene, B.J., M.E. Jaeger, R.G. Bramblett, M. Nelson, N. McClenning, T. Watson, A. Ankrum, K. Frazer, A.M. Reinhold, and A.V. Zale. 2019. Riverine turtles select habitats maintained by natural discharge regimes in an unimpounded large river. River Research and Applications. 35:1489-1498. DOI:

Reinhold, A.M., G.C. Poole, R.G. Bramblett, A.V. Zale, and D.W. Roberts. 2018. Landscape assessment of side-channel plugs and associated cumulative side-channel attrition across a large river floodplain. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 190:305. DOI:

Reinhold, A.M., R.G. Bramblett, A.V. Zale, G.C. Poole, and D.W. Roberts. 2017. Spatially-dependent responses of a large river fish assemblage to bank stabilization and side channels. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 146:967-982. DOI:

Reinhold, A.M., R.G. Bramblett, A.V. Zale, D.W. Roberts, and G.C. Poole. 2016. Comparative use of side and main channels by small-bodied fish in a large, unimpounded river. Freshwater Biology. 61:1611-1626. DOI:

Sato, A., A.M Scholl (co-first authors), E.N. Kuhn, H.A. Stadt, J.R. Decker, K. Pegram, M.R. Hutson, and M.L. Kirby. 2011. FGF8 signaling is chemotactic for cardiac neural crest cells. Developmental Biology. 354:18-30. DOI:

Scholl, A.M., and M.L. Kirby. 2009. Signals controlling neural crest contributions to the heart. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Systems Biology and Medicine. 1:220-227. DOI: